
New products for sale!

 Hi  So I have made some products for the horse, the rider and the stable. I personally looooove them! So I thought I wanted to share these things with the world.   So here's the products:  Fresh Flyspray:    When it's  spring and all the flies are comming. It can be so bad you can't really stay outside. So either you packed the horse in comepletly in rugs, flymask and I don't know what! Or you buy a flyspray in a tackshop, but those can be quite expensive. So what do you do instead? You make one yourself. But often those you make yourself may not have the best smell.. Okay they stink! Let's be honest! They stink so much! Yeah it probably helps a lot with the flies because it stinks so much, but others may keep away. But.. I have made a flyspray that works AND smells nice! Made on naturel ingredients of course!  It can also come in a roll on, for using around the eyes of the horse, called Fresh Flyspray roll on    *Always remember to allergy test your horse - ju

DIY: Emergency Electrolytes for your horse

  Hi everyone  This is the first real post on this Horsieherbs blog. Today we are going to talk about electrolytes.  So why do we give out horses electrolytes? First of all we want to help our horse right?! So everytime we have a hard ride and the horse has been sweating really much, we ad a bit of electrolyttes in their feed. We can give them in their mash, which most horses likes. Some horses don't actually like the taste of electrolyttes if you put it directly in the water for the horse. So in able to hide the taste, you can put it the feed for the horse. The thing is electrolyttes only really works, if they are given every day. Why is this?  Well electrolytes are actually minerals (salts), the horse needs to keep a healthy fluid balance in the horse's body. The electrolytes binds the fluid to the body, which helps the horse to have that balance of fluid in their body, if the horse have been sweating the minerals out, if it has had a hard training. It's best if the horse

Welcome to Horsie herbs

  Hi the world of equestrians!  I think we can all agree on that we want the best for our horses! So many of us give supplements for our horse, in other for it to feel better.  It can be something for the bones if it's old or maybe it has gotten something that needs to be repaired. So We give the horse some suplments to help it heal faster. But have you ever wondered that aa lot of the products we get today, are chemically made? Do you know where the chemicals, which is made in machines, are coming from? Well tag along here, and I'll tell you all about where these chemicals come from!  Because.... did you know they actually comes from plants?! you know something calles asprin? Well it was actually made from a willow? Yeah it's true! People found out, that in willow there was this thing, with was like a painkiller, so they took that and made it in a chemical way..  Anyway the thing I want with this blog is, to tell you all about plants and herbs you can use for your horse in